Italian Site
Feudo Antico Vini Abruzzesi DOC

In the wine cup, the treasure of a country

The territory is always the protagonist of the Feudo Antico wines.

The mother of all the rules for Feudo Antico is that the wine is to be made in the vineyard, because without a good start you can’t go very far.

The continuous assistance to the selected winegrowers and the modern technology used for the vinification exalt the various characteristics of the wines.

Feudo Antico made its debut on the market with the doc Tullum that in its typical local taste includes a series of different hints that can be appreciated everywhere.

On the market today there is Tullum Bianco,Tullum Passerina and Tullum Pecorino. In 2010  some red wines will also be produced.

Below are the characteristics of  wines already available in some selected restaurants and wine shops. 

News Press

Mondus Vini TullumTullum: International Quality for the smallest Doc Wine

Another award for the wine Bianco Tullum Doc Feudo Antico, that wins a golden medal at the international contest “Gran premio internazionale MUNDUSvini”.
Feudo Antico proved that size do not matter making Tullum, the the smallest Doc wine...


Merano Wine FestivalFeudo Antico presents In Merano the smallest DOC wine In Italy

Feudo Antico is the first wine producer of Tullum, the smallest DOC wine in Italy.
Feudo Antico has been selected and invited to participate to the Meran International Wine Festival, the most prestigious event of the year...


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